Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How To Detect the Wolf


A few weeks ago, Apostle Holcomb preached a message entitled, "How to Detect the Wolf." The scripture text was Matthew 7:15. The message was very serious and it was also a prophetic message. Although Bishop warned us of many things, I would like to say to all of us that we need to take heed to ourselves. We must be confident in our own minds that we are in God's will and that we are doing His will. Always have the mindset that it is me oh Lord standing in the need of prayer. It is of great significance that we look at the man in the mirror and not concentrate on the man in the window. However there is a revelation of a difference. As legitimate sheep in God's pasture and of His hand, we will come in contact with wolves that come to us in sheep's clothing. They come to pilfer the sheep, to divide, scatter and devour. We must be porters and watchmen always aware and on the lookout. We are 1st of all looking for the coming of the Lord, we are looking for the coming of the wolf and we are also looking for our own soul independence. In essence, we must be willing to exercise our senses that we may be able to judge and discern between good and evil. Whatever local church that you are a member of, you must demonstrate your full alliance, allegiance, and effort. Be a person that is fully committed to God and with loyalty connected to the leadership of your church. Never find yourself murmuring and complaining against your pastor or the leadership of the church. Always be the person who is on the right side of every situation and matter. We must all come to the conclusion and the revelation that regardless to whom it separates us from or identifies us with, we will go all the way with the Lord. As always, please remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Jesus.

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