Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jesus Our Redeemer: Returning to the Image of God thru Jesus Christ

This week we were blessed by the voice of God through our Presbyter, Dr Derick Edley. The title of the message is, "Christ the Redeemer." The subtitle is "Returning to the Image of God Through Jesus Christ." We learned that Jesus is the image and the pattern of who we are. Jesus is our mirror, the true reflection of who we are as born again believers. Acts 17:28 says that "in Him we live and move and have our being." Therefore it is imperative that we know who He is. Jesus is our Redeemer, the one who enables us to return to the God of creation. Therefore we can never know who we are without Jesus living on the inside of us in the person of the Holy Spirit. In every man there is a God-shaped vacuum, a void that is reserved only for God. Only He can fill that void in our lives. Nothing is able to satisfy the longing soul except for the presence of the true and living God. Come to know Jesus today as your personal Savior and Lord. Remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Jesus.

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