Monday, March 22, 2010

Kingdom Pragmatisms: Getting God’s Understanding


The title of the message this week is Kingdom Pragmatisms. The subtitle is Getting God's Understanding. The question that Apostle Holcomb asked is how do we deal with our situations. Do we do things the same as the world or do we get God's understanding concerning the issues in our lives. The Biblical perspective of the word understanding is to yield and submit to God's point of view and to take His position in every matter. God's understanding comes from His knowledge which comes from his mouth or the hearing of the Word of God. When we obtain the Father's understanding and knowledge, we gain His wisdom. When we get God's wisdom, we possess his values which in turn take the frustration out of our lives. In essence, we must live Godly in this world because the just shall live by faith. It is important that we understand the system of the Kingdom and not try to use worldly tactics in the House of God or to obtain favors or blessings from the Lord. Lean not to your own understanding but in all thy ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. Remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Jesus.

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