Monday, February 8, 2010

Faith, the Medium of Exchange


The title of the message this week is "Faith, the Medium of Exchange." Apostle Holcomb taught us that faith is the exchange for everything in the Kingdom. Faith receives what grace gives. Remember that grace is God's helping hand. It is His unmerited favor given to us gratis and undeserving. Mark 11:22 tells us to have faith in God. However, in order for us to execute that scripture, it is essential to have confidence in the Heavenly Father. We must recognize that God is faithful and that He is able to make all grace abound towards us that we have all sufficiency in all things that we may abound to every good work. Let us also have faith in the operation of God which is His way of doing things…..being Kingdom minded, covenant keeping people who operate according to God's way, regardless of the circumstances. If we remain in the place of grace, we will come to appreciate that God is our source and everything else is a resource. In essence, we know where our help comes from! Our help comes from the Lord, Maker and Creator of Heaven and Earth, because God takes care of us! Every one of us has been dealt the measure of faith; however we must take heed to the words that our preacher speaks into our lives. He is the voice of God for us. God has ordained, elected, selected, anointed and appointed the preacher to bring us our faith. Therefore, we must remain focused and receive the impartation of faith and power from the preacher. Allow that faith to take you into God's realm, into the God zone where we live like eagles…living above the situations and circumstances of life, always having upon us the grace of giving.

God bless you and in 2010, we are into what we're into…Jesus Christ, the Lord!

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