Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Dream Merchant/Prayer For Haiti


Apostle Holcomb encouraged our hearts this week to remember our brothers and sisters in the nation of Haiti. Even as we pause to salute the dream that God gave to the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we must acknowledge the call of God to care and pray for our fellowman. Let us honor the legacy of Dr. King by serving God's people even as he did. I admonish you to pray that God will continue to send ministering Spirits to the Haitian people. Also pray that God will prepare the way that they will receive necessary food, water and health care. We pray that God will open the windows of Heaven and pour upon them the blessings of God by miraculous and supernatural means. May the angels of the Lord descend and ascend upon Haiti according to the will of God. In the face of tragedy and destruction, we still know that God is a good God. He is our loving, caring and sharing Heavenly Father. Let us thank Him for directing people and rescue workers to those individuals who are yet alive and whom He has sustained. God specializes in chaos and in times of trouble. He causes sweetness to come out of hardness. He alone can draw honey from the rock and water from dry places. So let us praise, worship, magnify and glorify God for the restoration, deliverance and the healing of the Haitian people, His people, and our people; our brothers and sisters. One of Reverend King's messages states that there comes a time when we as moral men come to realize that we must answer to a higher law, which is God's law. I submit to you that God's law is a law of love, compassion, caring, and sharing.

Remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Him, in the place by Jesus!

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