Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Faith, the Medium of Exchange 3/Your Faith Seed in God’s Ability

The message that Apostle Holcomb preached this week was "Faith, the Medium of Exchange 3/ Your Faith Seed in God's Ability." Apostle Holcomb continued to teach us the importance of having faith in God. The Word tells us that the just shall live by faith. As children of God, we are in the world but we are not of this world. We are pilgrims making progress on this planet; therefore we operate according to God's economy and not the economy of this world. In essence, we operate by faith as the medium of exchange for everything in the Kingdom. We realize the importance of trusting God instead of trying God. When we try something, we go in with a negative expectation portraying that whatever happens, happens endeavoring to evaluate by experiment. Thus, it is incorrect to advise someone to try God. When we trust something, we rely on its integrity, strength and ability. We have a confident expectation, which is hope and reliance. Therefore, we must put our trust in God. When we trust God, we come to know Him. When we know Him, we come to love Him. When we love God, we will serve Him and when we serve the Lord, we will become more and more like Him. As we become more like God, we come to a place where we lose sight of who we are realizing that the more we have of Him, the less it will cost us. By trusting the lord, we learn that God is able to make all grace abound towards us that we have all sufficiency in all things that we may abound to every good work. He is our source and He possesses adequate resources to handle whatever situations that we may experience. God is the one who supplies all that we need according to His riches in Glory by, in and through Christ, Jesus. We thank the Lord that not only does He supply all our needs, but He supplies them exceedingly, abundantly and above all that we could ever ask or think according to the power that worketh in us.

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