Monday, February 8, 2010

Faith, the Medium of Exchange 2/Supernatural VS Superstitious Faith

The title of the message this week is Faith, the Medium of Exchange PT 2. The subtitle is “Supernatural VS Superstitious Faith.” Apostle Holcomb taught us the revelation of a difference between trusting God and trying God. When we have genuine faith in God, we possess supernatural faith…expecting the super to come in contact with the natural in our lives on a daily basis. We always have an expectation of the demonstration of the Holy Spirit. We actually expect God to move on our behalf. Supernatural faith is 3 fold. 1. It is saving faith, according to Ephesians 2:8, “for by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of ourselves. It is the gift of God. 2. Sufficient faith allows us to realize that with God there is not necessarily a diminishing of our problems, but He gives us additional power and peace to handle the problems and situations of life. 3. Strong faith enables us to extend our faith and believe God on behalf of others. To the contrary, superstitious or superficial faith seeks after signs and wonders and not the Word. It is trying God and not trusting God, believing in entitlement VS inheritance. Mark 11:22 tells us to have faith in God. When we put our faith and confidence in the right object, we will never experience a faith failure. When we worship and reverence God, we have faith that He is sovereign and that Jesus is the good shepherd of our satisfaction, direction and protection. He is the Great Shepherd who gives us the ability to achieve and accomplish victory in our lives. He is also the Chief Shepherd and the Bishop of our souls. He awards us and He affirms us and leads us into the wealthy place. Jesus is the Sovereign Son of God. Our confidence and our trust are in Him and not in ourselves. In essence, we do not trust in our own abilities to achieve nor do we dwell on our inabilities that would cause us to fail. Our expectation is of the Lord, and when this is of such, we can tremble in our boots, and still not experience a faith failure, still proclaiming in word and in deed, that my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and His righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest flame, but I totally lean on Jesus’ name. Continue to live like eagles soaring beyond the circumstances, the issues and the situations of life. If God said it, shall He not do it? Because God has spoken it, He will surely bring it to pass! As always, remain in the place of grace, in the place by Jesus!

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