Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Series 2 Revelation of Grace/Accessing Grace Through Our Prayers II

Bishop Holcomb preached a message last Wednesday entitled “Accessing Grace Through Our Prayers.” We, as Christians have access to Heaven, not because of entitlement based on who we are nor on what we’ve done. However we can enter the Holy Place because of who Jesus is and because of the salvific work of His redemption. Therefore according to Hebrews 4:16, “Let us therefore come boldly before the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
We learned that when we fold our hands, we signify that our hands are closed and God’s hands are always open. Thus the folding of the hands is more than a physical posture but it represents an attitude of the heart. Likewise when we bow our heads, it is in humility and in all humbleness to the Lordship of Jesus and to the sovereignty of Almighty God. Whereas,the closing of the eyes signify that we have a place that we can go to and meet the Lord in prayer. In this secret place, called our prayer closet, we close the doors, as we close our eyes with God on the inside with us.

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