Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Series 2 Revelation of Grace/Saved and Living by Grace

The message this week is “Saved and Living By Grace.” Saved means that we have accepted God’s only way of salvation through belief in the Lordship of His Son Jesus according to Romans 10:9,10. After salvation, we must live by the grace and the faith that we were saved by. We must humble ourselves to the Lord through submission and obedience. According to Isaiah 1:19, “If we are willing and obedient, we shall eat the good of the land.” It is really not enough for us to be obedient without being willing and submissive. Willingness is from within and obedience is from without. In other words, we bow before the Lord in submission and when we get up we walk in obedience. We must also be people of prayer. We fold our hands symbolizing that everything is out of our hands, our hands are closed. Everything is in God’s hands and God is still in control.

As always, please remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Jesus.

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