Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jesus’ Solution To Man’s Problems

The message that Bishop Holcomb taught us this week is "Jesus' Solution to Man's Problems." We learned that God's solution to man is Jesus. Jesus' solution to man's problems is His Body. Our difficulty is that we do not properly discern the Lord's Body. As we partook of communion, we remembered to discern the Lord's Body. We realized that we must have a revelation of who Jesus is and who we are in Him. Thus we endeavor to always keep unity in the Body of Christ. We understand that the devil operates in division whereas God operates in unity. Therefore the church should always be a place of grace and a community of unity and not unison. Meaning that true unity is recognizing that we are all different but we come together in harmony to celebrate, to praise and to worship our wonderful Savior and Lord. He is Jesus, our soon coming King! Even as we remembered the Lord in partaking of His Body, we encourage you to do the same. Will you remember Jesus today? Will you keep Jesus in your mind this week? Will you consider the Lord in all that you do? And as always, please remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Jesus!

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