Monday, September 7, 2009

Series 2/The Revelation of Grace/Grace, Prayer, Caring For Nothing Part III

If we pray, we should not worry and vice versa. Prayer replaces care. The Bible admonishes us to “Be careful for nothing but by everything with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving make your request known unto God.” (Philippians 4:6 KJV)The definition of the word care is an uneasy, fearful feeling about the outcome. It is to be anxious and worried. However when we worship the Lord, we come to realize who He is and who we are in Him. This revelation will cause us to be content in whatever state we find ourselves in. We will exhibit an uncomplaining acceptance of our lots based on our revelation of the Father. We will also have a restful, peaceful state of mind that’s undisturbed by external circumstances. With this sense of contentment comes the peace of God that passes all understanding. We will demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit which is Love. Joy is love’s strength. Peace is love’s safety. Longsuffering is love’s patience. Gentleness is love’s conduct. Goodness is love’s character. Faithfulness is love’s loyalty. Meekness is love’s humility and temperance is love’s self control.

In conclusion, we should begin to find ourselves at the feet of Jesus. As we come to realize that grace is God’s helping hand, we will be able to “Let our moderation be known to all men that the Lord is at hand.” (Philippians 4:5, KJV) May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

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