Friday, April 9, 2010

You Must Be Born Again


This week we reverenced ad celebrated the Resurrection of our Risen Lord and Savior, our soon coming King, Jesus Christ. Apostle Holcomb came in the power of the Spirit of God. The Spirit of the Lord is upon our Apostle. He has been anointed to preach the Gospel, which He did on Sunday. The title of the message is "You Must Be Born Again." The subtitle is "Jesus Can change Your Sin Nature." The scripture reference is John 3:1-7, when Nicodemus, a religious man came inquiring of the Lord. Jesus answered, ultimately declaring that, "You must be born again"! Bishop Holcomb taught us that we are all born morally innocent, but with a sin nature. In essence, we were all born wrong because of the Fall of Man, yet Jesus can and will change our sin nature. We all need Jesus! That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Remember that there is a God-shaped vacuum, emptiness, a void in all of us that only God can fill. Nothing can satisfy the longing soul except for the presence of the true and the living God. You must be born anew and born from above. You must be born again! Please remember to remain in the place of grace, remaining in the place by Jesus.



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