Thursday, April 1, 2010

Resurrection Sunday: Jesus Christ, our risen Lord and soon coming King!

Praise the Lord, everybody. This is Minister Novice. We have embarked upon the time of the year when we reverence the death, burial and resurrection of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. During this season, there is a drawing anointing pulls and compels people toward the Savior.

When I was growing up, I can remember preparing for Easter with a brand new dress, a new purse, new shoes and an Easter Bonnet. Unable to verbalize it at the time, somehow we knew that this was a time that we had to go to church. Little did I realize, but I was actually responding to the Savior and with the clothing, preparing to meet the King.

I encourage everyone to go to church on Sunday, even if you haven't been in a while. It is actually not about the clothing, what you have or don't have. But it's all about responding to a loving, caring and sharing Heavenly Father who sacrificed His only begotten Son on our behalf. Go to your local church in celebration and in reverence to our risen Lord, Jesus Christ, our soon coming King!

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