Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Who is He to You, Your Holy Man of God?


Praise the Lord everybody. This is Minister Novice. In our church, The Christian House of Prayer, we are having a month long celebration to our Holy Man of God, our Apostle, Bishop Nathaniel Holcomb, for 30 years of successful ministry. This week Pastor Valerie preached the Word and the title of the message was, "Who is He to You, Your Holy Man of God?" The scripture reference was 2Kings 4: 8, 9. The account says that Elisha was passing through Shunem and the Shunemite woman said unto her husband, "I perceive that this is a holy man of God which passes by us continually." The story goes on to tell how that they honored and made provisions in their hearts, their lives and in their home for the man of God and how that they were blessed because of it. My personal testimony is that 16 years ago, I came to the Christian House of Prayer and when I heard Bishop Holcomb preach, I remember seeing a man that I had never seen before. I saw Jesus as He was being re-presented with character and integrity. I realized that Bishop Holcomb was a Holy Man of God and that he was the voice of God for my life. Over the years, he has continued to bring me my faith as he passes by continually with the Word of God. We realize that we should give honor to whom honor is due and beyond a shadow of any doubt, my husband and I love our Man of God. We honor him with our faithfulness, service and our gifts of love. We say, "Long live our Apostle, Bishop Nate Holcomb"!

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