Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Series 2 Revelation of Grace/Accessing Grace Through Our Prayers II

Bishop Holcomb preached a message last Wednesday entitled “Accessing Grace Through Our Prayers.” We, as Christians have access to Heaven, not because of entitlement based on who we are nor on what we’ve done. However we can enter the Holy Place because of who Jesus is and because of the salvific work of His redemption. Therefore according to Hebrews 4:16, “Let us therefore come boldly before the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
We learned that when we fold our hands, we signify that our hands are closed and God’s hands are always open. Thus the folding of the hands is more than a physical posture but it represents an attitude of the heart. Likewise when we bow our heads, it is in humility and in all humbleness to the Lordship of Jesus and to the sovereignty of Almighty God. Whereas,the closing of the eyes signify that we have a place that we can go to and meet the Lord in prayer. In this secret place, called our prayer closet, we close the doors, as we close our eyes with God on the inside with us.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Series 2 Revelation of Grace/Saved and Living by Grace

The message this week is “Saved and Living By Grace.” Saved means that we have accepted God’s only way of salvation through belief in the Lordship of His Son Jesus according to Romans 10:9,10. After salvation, we must live by the grace and the faith that we were saved by. We must humble ourselves to the Lord through submission and obedience. According to Isaiah 1:19, “If we are willing and obedient, we shall eat the good of the land.” It is really not enough for us to be obedient without being willing and submissive. Willingness is from within and obedience is from without. In other words, we bow before the Lord in submission and when we get up we walk in obedience. We must also be people of prayer. We fold our hands symbolizing that everything is out of our hands, our hands are closed. Everything is in God’s hands and God is still in control.

As always, please remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Jesus.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Revelation of Grace

Bishop Holcomb is teaching & preaching a series entitled, “The Revelation of Grace” and how that grace is God’s helping hand. Grace is God’s unmerited favor. It’s the favor of God given to us gratis and undeserving. Grace is Christ’s sacrifice. It is the salvific work of Christ, the salvific work of his redemption. Grace is God’s riches at Christ’s expense. In our church, The Christian House of Prayer, we give each other the high 5 and this is not a worldly gesture for us. But what we are saying is that, I extend unto you my brother and my sister the hand of grace. We are exchanging grace. We are exchanging favor. We are exchanging encouragement. We are saying that God is still in control. And as always, please remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Jesus!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Revelation of Grace III/Where is the Christian's Strength

This week Bishop Holcomb taught a message entitled, “Where is the Christian’s Strength?” The questions with that become, are we weak enough for God to save us and are we weak enough for God to use us. According to 2 Corinthians 12:9, 10, God’s strength is made perfect in our weaknesses and therefore for the sake of Christ, we are to be content in weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when we are weak, then we are strong. Am I weak enough Father? Am I submissive enough? Am I willing enough? Am I obedient enough? The world says that only the strong survive. But I submit unto you today that we must be weak enough to be used by God that His strength will be made perfect in and through our lives. As always, please remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Jesus!

Revelation of Grace II/Earning VS Learning

Bishop Holcomb taught a message on 4 Aug 2009 entitled “Earning vs. Learning.”

I want to encourage your hearts to continue to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Remember that grace is God’s favor in place when we need it. It is unmerited. It is gratis and it is undeserved. When we go to church, we should go to learn of the grace of God. We do not go to attempt to earn some sort of points based on what we do. Ephesians 2:8, 9 says, “For by grace are we saved through faith. And that not of ourselves. It is the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast.” Remember that we cannot earn our way to Heaven. We must learn the way to Heaven. When we leave the church, we should exit in obedience to God’s Word. In turn, we will move into God’s peace, God’s prosperity and into His victory for our lives.

The conclusion of the matter is to fear God and to serve God in truth.

And as always, please remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Jesus.