Saturday, August 10, 2013

Jesus, Our Redeemer

Jesus is the image and the pattern of who we are. Jesus is our mirror, the true reflection of who we are as born again believers. Acts 17:28 says that "in Him we live and move and have our being." Therefore it is imperative that we know who He is. Jesus is our Redeemer, the one who enables us to return to the God of creation. Therefore we can never know who we are without Jesus living on the inside of us in the person of the Holy Spirit. In every man there is a God-shaped vacuum, a void that is reserved only for God. Only He can fill that void in our lives. Nothing is able to satisfy the longing soul except for the presence of the true and the living God. Some of us have tried many things, but to no avail. Come to know Jesus today as your personal Savior and Lord. If you are in the place in your life where you are saying, yes I wanna know Jesus. I've tried to fill that void with many things, but to no avail. Or you may be  a person that says, Minister Novice, I am saved but I have lost something along the way because of the pressures and the circumstances of life. You are a person that is a backslider and God is married to the backslider. A true backslider is one who really loves the Lord because you will never turn your back on God.  A true backslider will always come back. Then again, Jesus may be the Savior and Lord of your life, but you do not have a church home. The Bible says that we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. You do need a pastor that will watch over and pray for your soul. Don't let the devil trick you any longer. There is a Hell to shun and there is a Heaven to gain. If you can identify with any of these appeals, please inbox me and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will assist you.  God bless you and I am looking forward to haring from you! Remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Jesus.

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