Monday, June 14, 2010

Learning Opportunities


Praise the Lord, everybody. This is Minister Novice. This week our Apostle, Bishop Nate Holcomb preached a message entitled, Learning Both: How to Live With and How to Live Without. The subtitle is Learning Opportunities. The scripture text is found in Philippians 4:10. The word opportunity is defined as the best time for something. We learned that every storm and situation in life is an opportunity to praise the Lord. The presence of controversy is not the time to quit God. Moreover, it is the opportune occasion to learn more about our loving, caring and sharing Heavenly Father. In verse 11, Paul says that he has learned to be content in whatever state he finds himself in. Contentment is a restful, peaceful state of mind that is undisturbed by external circumstances. It is an unwavering and uncomplaining acceptance of one's own lot, realizing that the joy of the Lord is our strength. The joy of the Lord is a deep sense of inner well being that's independent of whatever may be going on in our lives. It produces in us strength and fortitude which is a conquering attitude. As the people of God, we must learn that our contentment is not in some thing, rather it is in someone. Realizing this, when we go through storms and valleys, we will never lose our trust, reliance, confidence nor our faith in God. God must have the preeminence in our lives. When this is of such, we can tremble in our boots and never waver in faith because we have faith in God embedded in our hearts. And as always, please remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Jesus!

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