Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Dream Merchant/Prayer For Haiti


Apostle Holcomb encouraged our hearts this week to remember our brothers and sisters in the nation of Haiti. Even as we pause to salute the dream that God gave to the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we must acknowledge the call of God to care and pray for our fellowman. Let us honor the legacy of Dr. King by serving God's people even as he did. I admonish you to pray that God will continue to send ministering Spirits to the Haitian people. Also pray that God will prepare the way that they will receive necessary food, water and health care. We pray that God will open the windows of Heaven and pour upon them the blessings of God by miraculous and supernatural means. May the angels of the Lord descend and ascend upon Haiti according to the will of God. In the face of tragedy and destruction, we still know that God is a good God. He is our loving, caring and sharing Heavenly Father. Let us thank Him for directing people and rescue workers to those individuals who are yet alive and whom He has sustained. God specializes in chaos and in times of trouble. He causes sweetness to come out of hardness. He alone can draw honey from the rock and water from dry places. So let us praise, worship, magnify and glorify God for the restoration, deliverance and the healing of the Haitian people, His people, and our people; our brothers and sisters. One of Reverend King's messages states that there comes a time when we as moral men come to realize that we must answer to a higher law, which is God's law. I submit to you that God's law is a law of love, compassion, caring, and sharing.

Remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Him, in the place by Jesus!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Essence of Christian Living: Investing in Your Progress


In the series, The Essence of Christian Living, the message this week is "Investing in Your Progress." We must realize that money is the lowest form of prosperity in the Kingdom of God according to Luke 16. The highest is souls. Apostle Holcomb taught us The trilogy of giving which includes tithes, offerings and gifts of love. The tithe is simply giving back to God what belongs to Him, which is the 1st tenth of our increase. It is the floor where we begin, not the ceiling where we end. Giving the tithe is a matter of the heart; it's an attitude of gratitude that causes God to rebuke the devourer for our sakes. The offering is actually where we begin our giving because it comes from what we purpose in our hearts to give realizing that we have only because God has blessed us with His supply. In essence, God is our source and everything else is a resource. When we give, we put God's power which His ability on our money. We prove God and he proves us. The Bible tells us that God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap. God gives seed to the sower and bread for food. If we sow sparingly, we will reap sparingly. Moreover if we sow bountifully, we will also reap bountifully. In essence, God guarantees the harvest, but we determine what the harvest will be. We reap what we sow! The priority of our giving is based upon loving God and loving what God loves. He loves 1. His Son 2. The saints 3. Sinners 4. Sowing. Remember that the Father gave His very when He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

Be a cheerful giver and live under an open Heaven!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Esssence of Christian Living

The message for this week is “The Essence of Christian Living: Jesus, Grace, Giving.”These three things are the ingredients for salvation. For by grace are we saved through faith and not of ourselves. It is the gift of God. Jesus Christ is our Savior showing that the very nature of God is a giving nature. We learned how to live the ZoĆ« life of Jesus Christ, which is the God kind of life, eternal and abundant life. Grace giving is the essence of Christian living. Grace giving is not to be eliminated by poverty. It is not to be enforced by pressure, intimidation, exhortation, exploitation or manipulation. It is also not to be excused by performance. However, grace giving is to be encouraged by the preaching of the Word. It is also to be enjoyed by partnership and participation in it. We learned how to give willingly, purposefully, and with cheerful hearts because God loves a cheerful heart. The Law of Reciprocity teaches us that we reap what we sow. Therefore what we make happen for others, God will make happen for us. The message was a message of God’s supply, his support, and his surplus. It was a prophetic message from Apostle Holcomb letting the people of God know that according to 2 Chronicles 20:20, if we believe in the Lord our God, we will be established and if we believe His prophets, we will prosper. The Word of the Lord to us was that our broke days are over!

Remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Him, in the place by Jesus!