Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2010, I’m In!


As we embark upon the beginning of 2010, we are worshipping and praising God like never before. We are grateful to the Father for bringing sweetness out of our hardness this year, and for blessing us with honey from the rock and water from dry places. We have learned to consider Jesus, enduring hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ….realizing that He is our introduction, our conclusion and He is everything in between. Also we have come to trust God when we are mystified and we don't know why. We now know how to see matters when things look bad. We don't dwell on our problems and our pains, instead we confess the promises of God because we are fully persuaded that what God has promised, He is also able to perform in and through our lives. God's favor is always in place for us when we need it because grace is God's helping hand. The mantra for 2010 is I'm in! Bishop Holcomb taught us that we need to be into what we are into with no half stepping, totally committed, dedicated and identified with Christ. For it is in Him that we live and move and have our being.


Remaining in the place of grace, in the place by Jesus!


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