Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2010, I’m In!


As we embark upon the beginning of 2010, we are worshipping and praising God like never before. We are grateful to the Father for bringing sweetness out of our hardness this year, and for blessing us with honey from the rock and water from dry places. We have learned to consider Jesus, enduring hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ….realizing that He is our introduction, our conclusion and He is everything in between. Also we have come to trust God when we are mystified and we don't know why. We now know how to see matters when things look bad. We don't dwell on our problems and our pains, instead we confess the promises of God because we are fully persuaded that what God has promised, He is also able to perform in and through our lives. God's favor is always in place for us when we need it because grace is God's helping hand. The mantra for 2010 is I'm in! Bishop Holcomb taught us that we need to be into what we are into with no half stepping, totally committed, dedicated and identified with Christ. For it is in Him that we live and move and have our being.


Remaining in the place of grace, in the place by Jesus!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Gift of His Presence


Apostle Holcomb preached a message entitled, "The Gift of His Presence." As children of the Most High God, the presence of God is more important and more valuable to us than presents under the tree. What God wants for Christmas from us is worship. He seeks for those who will worship Him in Spirit and in truth. When we worship God, we ascribe worth to Him that always ends in a high praise. The Bible tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people and in His presence there is fullness of joy. When the Lord is in our midst, His power is present to save, to heal, to deliver and to set free. He daily loads His people with benefits. God wants us saved, baptized in the Holy Ghost, and He wants us to worship Him. He also wants us to be a people who can go through our passages of pain, because we are not pursuing His prosperity, but we seek His presence.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Perfect Gift: The Purpose of Christmas


This week Apostle Holcomb preached a message entitled, "The Perfect Gift: The Purpose of Christmas." The scripture reference was John 4:4-10. It is prevalent during this time of the year that we overspend for the reason that we desire to be a blessing to others by giving. It is also during this holiday season that people become depressed and oppressed for one reason or the other. It is written in the scriptures that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil which frees us from all forms of bondage. Sharing the message of the love of Christ is the best, most valuable and most needed gift for all mankind. It's not about what's under the tree. It's all about who was on the tree. It's all about Jesus! It's all about Him!

Remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Jesus.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sweetness out of Hardness


2009 has been declared favor time for our church and for the Body of Christ. Apostle Holcomb told us that we would experience honey from the rock, sweetness out of hardness and water from dry places. Most of us have experienced some extraordinarily hard times this year. We've overcome some trials and tribulations. The blessing of the Lord is that only through Jesus Christ can we say as the Psalmist David said in Psalm 119:71, "It was good that I was afflicted that I might learn Thy statutes." We realize that as verse 67 says, "Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now have I kept Thy Word." This year we learned that grace is God's helping hand and that His grace is in place for us when we need it. According to Pastor Valerie, we must come to the resolve that regardless of circumstances and hard times, with Jesus, it's still a wonderful life. Remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Jesus.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

To God Be the Glory

As we progressively approach the conclusion of 2009, I want to encourage your hearts and to say, "To God be the glory for all the wonderful things that He has done." I've come to learn that life is inundated with mountain top as well as valley experiences. We must come to the conclusion in our own hearts that God is still God. He is God all by Himself and there is none like Him independent of the cares of this world and the circumstances of life. He is good to us all the time: yesterday, today and forever. When we go through hard times and suffering, we must endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. He is our introduction and He is our conclusion. We must also make Him everything in between. Please remember to remain in the place of grace. Remain in the place by Jesus!